Easy Socket library

Version: Easy Socket 0.1
License: LGPL2 (see LICENSE)
© 1999-2000, Erich Roncarolo

  Bugs, contributes, mailing list and other informations at:
SourceForge Easy Socket Library Group

Project administrator has changed: now mail to Karl T. Cooper for any question.





--- Installation instruction ---

To compile library:
# make
To run the first test:
# make test
To compile and link a program that depends from this library:
# gcc -I/path/to/dir/that/contains/easy_sock.h -I- -L/path/to/dir/that/contains/libeasy_sock.a -leasy_sock -o program program.c
To run program just linked you should add the directory: /path/to/dir/that/contains/libeasy_sock.so to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, than you can execute it.
This way doesn't work if your program is setuid/setgid binary (LD_LIBRARY_PATH is ignored).
Another way is to copy (or to link) libeasy_sock.so in /lib or /usr/lib.

To compile and statically link a program that uses this library:

# gcc -I/path/to/dir/that/contains/easy_sock.h -I- -static /path/to/easy_sock.o -o program program.c
If you want to link this library with your program, but you don't want statically link other libraries, you should compile it like this:
# gcc -I/path/to/dir/that/contains/easy_sock.h -I- /path/to/easy_sock.o -o program program.c

--- Test ---

There are 3 program to test library:
  1. easy_test
  2. easy_server
  3. easy_client
First one is a simple test (you can see it with 'make test'), while other ones are a server and a client that should work together.

To compile and run server, simply type:

# make server
To compile and run client, type:
# make client
Server usage:
easy_server [host port]
It bind host:port and wait for connections. When accept a connection it read a command, then execute it.
Two command are available:
<x> read <type> <var> <x>
write <type> <var> <value>
<x> can be '-' or 'c': first one tell to server to use normal functions, and second one tell to use 'chars' functions.
<type> is one of {char, short, int, long, float, double, string}.
<var> is a number from 0 to MAX_VAR-1, <value> must be coerent with type.
Only MAX_VARS (actually 100) variables for each type can be written.

Client usage:

easy_client [host port] <x> <read|write> <type> <var> [value]
It works like server. The library is linked with the program, so you can use it directly, without change libraries path. Obviously it needs easy_server.  

--- PHP3 ---

There are a PHP3 Easy Socket version: this includes the library file (easy_sock.php3) and a test file (easy_client.php3).
You can use it with Apache if the PHP3 module is installed; just load the following URL in your favourite browser:
It needs easy_server to work.  

--- Tunnel ---

In library is included an example of applicaction called "tunnel".
It binds an host:port pair and create a tunnel that links it with another host:port pair.


# make tunnel
tunnel host1 port1 host2 port2
Like the easy_client, the library is linked with the program.  

Have a lot of fun!  

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Easy Sockey library

© Copyright 1999-2000 - Erich Roncarolo